Home Challenges

Home Challenges
Weekly Home Challenges 
        This year in third grade we are using home challenge menus. This lets the students choose which activities they would like to complete at home to enhance their learning. The students will be asked to complete one math, reading, and vocab/fluency activity each week.  Each home challenge menu will be given on Friday and all activities will be due back the following Friday at school. The students may bring in the activities they completed or you may email a picture or scan of the activity by the Friday it is due.
       Each home challenge menu will also have a social studies, science and/or technology component that will either be a design challenge or research to be completed at home. Have fun and be creative! There may also be a rubric attached to the home challenge menu that outlines the expectations of the required design project so please make sure to use the rubric as a guide. 

Weekly Blended Learning and Reading 
           Research shows that nightly reading increases vocabulary and scores on standardized tests.  Third graders are expected to read at least 20 minutes per night with a total of 140 minutes per week. Please write the title and author of the books your child reads at home in his/her agenda so he/she can take an AR test on the book at school to earn points!


  1. Will they not have any homework assignments this week?

  2. I apologize that we are just now seeing this! We started our weekly homework menu last Friday. It will be due the following Friday :)
